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[Christie's]: Clocks and Watches
O/P. 117 lots, some illustrated. Best prices achieved in the sale were for an English carriage clock by Charles Frodsham, a marquetry loncase clock by William Jourdain and pocket chronometers by John Arnold and John Arnold & Son. A good copy, card covers. [Sale @ King Street 14/07/1986] (Ref: A496)

Price: £5.00

[Christie's]: Clocks and Watches
O/P. An illustrated catalogue of 115 lots, including a fine Breguet 'hump back' carraige clock and a rare seconds beating, marine chronometer by Dent of london. A good copy, a few annotations in text, card covers. [Sale @ King Street, London 28/11/1986] (Ref: A211)

Price: £5.00

[Christie's]: Fine Clocks, Watches, Scintific Instruments and Mechanical Music
O/P. 460 lots, most illustrated. Highlights of the sale were a 3-train longcase clock with rhomboid compensation pendulum by Joseph Finney of Liverpool, and a fine selection of American and European pocket and wrist watches. A good copy, card covers. [Sale @ New York 17/12/1986 ] (Ref: A497)

Price: £5.00

[Christie's]: Fine Watches, Objects of Vertu and Clocks
O/P. 46 lots, most illustrated. The property of a single collector, this sale included many fine elaborate and decorative watches and snuff boxes as well as a fine ormolu mounted Sevres porcelain lyre clock by Kinable of Paris. A good copy, card covers. [Sale @ New York 17/12/1986] (Ref: A498)

Price: £5.00

[Christie's]: Clocks and Watches
O/P. 152 lots, some illustrated. Fine chronometers by Brockbanks, Arnold, and Arnold & Son; and many English bracket and longcase clocks including a walnut longcase by George Graham number 655. A good copy, card covers. [Sale @ King Street 11/03/1987] (Ref: A499)

Price: £5.00

[Christie's]: Important Clocks, Watches and Marine Chronometers
O/P. 418 lots,most illustrated in colour, with a good section of 37 electric clocks including examples by Alexander Bain, William Hamilton Shortt, James Ritchie and Paul Garnier.The mechanical clocks included a rare binnacle timekeeper by Morris Tobias, an astronomical chronometer timepiece by George Margetts and an observatory regulator by Reid & Auld of Edinburgh. Good copy, card covers. [Sale @ King Street, London 25/11/1998] (Ref: A72)

Price: £5.00

[Christie's]: Important Clocks, Watches and Marine Chronometers
O/P. 352 lots, most illustrated. Items that caught my attention in the catalogue were a group of fine English carrage clocks, an early table clock by Ahasuerus Fromanteel, the marine chronometer section, and the fine longcase clocks by English and Dutch makers including Tompion, Alexander Cumming and John Knibb. The watch section with fine pocket and wrist watches included a chronometer tourbillon by Victor Kullberg and five Breguet pocket watches. A good copy, card covers. [Sale @ King Street 09/06/1999] (Ref: A500)

Price: £5.00

[Christie's]: The Albert Odmark Collection of Important Clocks and Watches
O/P. 450 lots, all illustrated in colour. A fine collection which included a complicated quarter striking automaton skeleton clock with oscillating dial by Hubert Sarton, a walnut loncase clock with grasshopper escapement attributed to Daniel Delander and some rare early pocket watches. A very good copy. [Sale @ London 11/03/2005] (Ref: A80)

Price: £10.00

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