Baier (J.G.): Striking Clocks - A hands-On Survey for the Clockmaker O/P. 51 pages, figs., 1983. An introductory booklet written for attendees at courses held by the American Watchmakers Institute. A very good copy. (Ref: K4379 - BX16) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Bailey (C.H.): More Clock Decorating Stencils O/P. 84 pages, illustrated, 1994. Reproductions of working stencils designed by William B. Fenn of Plymouth Connecticut and used for ornamenting clocks glasses and case parts for Seth Thomas and other Connecticut manufacturers between about 1840 and 1863. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K2826 - P3) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Bailey (C.H.): Seth Thomas Watches 1885 - 1915 O/P. 95 pages, illustrated, 1981. A reproduction of information, prices and illustrations from trade catalogues and parts catalogues produced by the Seth Thomas Clock Company between 1885 and 1915. A good copy, card covers. (Ref: K2545 - F3) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Bailey (C.H.): Two Hundred Years of American Clocks and Watches O/P. 255 pages, 285 illustrations, 1975. An excellent survey of the wide range of American clocks and watches available, from the old and rare to the modern and affordable. A signed copy of the Bicentennial Edition, limited to 1000 copies, this is copy number 409. A fine copy in very good original, matching, cloth covered slipcase. (Ref: K633 - F1) in stock. Price: £45.00 |
Bailey (C.H.): Two Hundred Years of American Clocks and Watches O/P. 255 pages, 285 illustrations, 1975. An excellent survey of the wide range of American clocks and watches available, from the old and rare to the modern and affordable. Very good copy with very good dust jacket. (Ref: K1388 - F4) in stock. Price: £15.00 |
 | Baillie (G.H.): Clocks and Watches, an Historical Bibliography Volume 1 O/P. 414 pages, reprinted 1978. A complete listing of horological publications, except those on dialling, prior to 1800. A very useful reference book for collectors and researchers. [Note: volume 2, on books post 1800, was planned but never issued.] An excellent unused copy and much nicer to handle than the original. (Ref: N563 - J2) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Baillie (G.H.): Clocks and Watches, an Historical Bibliography O/P. 414 pages, first edition, 1951. A complete listing of horological publications, except those on dialling, prior to 1800. A very useful reference book for collectors and researchers. [Note: volume 2, on books post 1800, was planned but never issued.] Good copy with poor dust jacket. (Ref: K14 - G5) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
Baillie (G.H.): Clocks and Watches, an Historical Bibliography Volume 1 O/P. 414 pages, reprinted 1978. A complete listing of horological publications, except those on dialling, prior to 1800. A very useful reference book for collectors and researchers. [Note: volume 2, on books post 1800, was planned but never issued.] A good copy. (Ref: K1779 - E6) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Baillie (G.H.) : Guide to the Museum of the Clockmakers' Company of London O/P. 73 pages, 15 plates, 1939. A small guide to this famous collection on public display in London. Good copy, the card covers a little dust stained. (Ref: K1598 - BX3) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Baillie (G.H.): The Development of Time Measurement - From 1000 Seconds to 1000th of a Second a Day O/P. 32 pages, 4 plates, 24 figs., 1951. A small booklet prepared by the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers in connection with their Festival Exhibit at the Guildhall, London, 1951. A concise account of the main technical developments from the earliest times to the Shortt Free Pendulum Clock. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: KW4854 - BX16) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Baillie (G.H.): Watches Their History , Decoration and Mechanism O/P. 383 pages, 75 plates, facsimile reprint, 1979. Written in 1929 this is still a respected reference book on the subject and well worth reading. The book covers the history of 4 centuries of watch development with 189 b&w and 35 colour photographs, together with 82 line drawings of mechanisms. Essential reading. A very good copy with very good dust jacket. (Ref: K978 - G4) in stock. Price: £12.00 |
 | Baillie (G.H.): Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World O/P. 416 pages, 1st edition, 1929. A good copy of the first edition of this well-known book, part of the Connoisseurs Library series, the red cloth binding with gilt lettering and tooling to the spine and blind tooling to the front cover. The book is very clean internally with slight staining to the bottom edge of the boards due to water damage. (Ref: KW728 - A1) in stock. Price: £65.00 |
Baillie (G.H.): Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World O/P. 388 pages, 3rd edition, reprinted 1966. This and volume 2 are indispensable for their listings of makers and their working dates. Good copy with poor dust jacket. (See under Loomes for the new combined 21st century edition). (Ref: K1007 - G5) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
 | Baillie (G.H.), Lloyd (H.A.) & Ward (F.A.B.): The Planetarium of Giovanni De Dondi O/P. 156 pages, 180 figures, 1974. A translation of early manuscripts describing in detail the planetarium designed and constructed by De Dondi between 1348 and 1364. A very good copy poor dust jacket. (Ref: K729 - H1) in stock. Price: £15.00 |
Baillod (G.): Die Geschichte der Zeitmessung O/P. 156 pages, illustrated 1979. A well-illustrated book, The History of Timekeeping, showing some fine watches, and charting the developments in measuring time from the ancient Egyptian water clock to the atomic clock. Good copy with good dust jacket. [German language] (Ref: K5141 - A2) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Baillod (G.): La Mesure du Temps O/P. 156 pages, illustrated 1979. A well-illustrated book, showing some fine watches, and charting the developments in measuring time from the ancient Egypian water clock to the atomic clock. Good copy with good dust jacket. [French language] (Ref: K18 - T2) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
Baily (F.): An Account of the Rev.d John Flamsteed, The First Astromomer Royal:... O/P. 364 pages + 92 page supplement and index, facsimile reprint 1966. A biography of John Flamsteed originally published by The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty in 1835 and, the supplement, 1837; the Flamsteed star catalogue is not included in this reprint. The work includes Flamsteed's History of his own Life followed by a large amount of correspondence with Isaac Newton, Sir Jonas Moore, Abraham Sharp, Sir Christopher Wren, Edmond Halley and others. Flamsteed's History and his letters include references to Robert Hooke and Thomas Tompion about instruments and clocks respectively. A very good copy internally but cloth worn to corners and covers a little marked. (Ref: K5176 - S2) in stock. Price: £25.00 |
 | Baker (G.L.): Seven Tales of the Pendulum NEW. 227 pages, illustrated, 2011. This book is an accessible description of the science of the pendulum and related historical and cultural matters. Written for the non-technical reader this book is based on the author's previous book The Pendulum - A Case Study in Physics. With dust jacket. (Ref: N2492) in stock. Price: £25.00 |
Baker (P.H.J.): Early Lancashire Watch Fusee Engines S/H. [24 pages], 35 figs., 1994. An important paper, an offprint from Antiquarian Horology, on 18th century fusee engines including those by John Wyke of Liverpool. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4082 - BX14) in stock. Price: £1.00 |
Balfour (M.): The Classic Watch O/P. 192 pages, well illustrated in colour, 1989. An illustrated guide to the great watches and their makers from the first wristwatch to the present day. A large format hardback, good copy with dust jacket (the latter with some loss). (Ref: K2441 - Q3) in stock. Price: £9.00 |