Baily (F.): An Account of the Rev.d John Flamsteed, The First Astromomer Royal:... O/P. 364 pages + 92 page supplement and index, facsimile reprint 1966. A biography of John Flamsteed originally published by The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty in 1835 and, the supplement, 1837; the Flamsteed star catalogue is not included in this reprint. The work includes Flamsteed's History of his own Life followed by a large amount of correspondence with Isaac Newton, Sir Jonas Moore, Abraham Sharp, Sir Christopher Wren, Edmond Halley and others. Flamsteed's History and his letters include references to Robert Hooke and Thomas Tompion about instruments and clocks respectively. A very good copy internally but cloth worn to corners and covers a little marked. (Ref: K5176 - S2) in stock. Price: £25.00 |
Caudine (A.): La Grande Horloge - La Comtoise au XIXe Siècle S/H. 271 pages, over 700 illustrations, 1st edition, 1992. A detailed study of the evolution and characteristics of the Comtoise clock in the 19th century. Case design, construction and decoration is covered in great detail as is the development of dials and dial surrounds. Good copy with good dust jacket. [French language] (Ref: K3196 - E7) in stock. Price: £25.00 |
 | Daniels (G.): The Art of Breguet O/P. 394 pages, well illustrated with 427 b&w illustrations and 12 colour plates, 1st edition, 3rd impression, 1986. A magnificent volume, now the standard reference work, about the life and work of Abraham Louis Breguet and his successors. A fine copy with very good dust jacket, but all corners a little bruised. (Ref: K836 - M3) in stock. Price: £65.00 |
O'Malley (M.): Keeping Watch - A History of American Time O/P. 384 pages, illus., reprinted 1996. A crucial part of the development of America from a rural to a modern industrial society was the introduction of accurate timekeeping and standard time. The author argues that this was a momentous development leading to the harsh ethic of punctuality and an unprecedented degree of labour regimentation. Good copy, paperback. (Ref: K3506 - T1) in stock. Price: £9.00 |
Robert (D.): Amazing Clocks O/P. 88 pages, well illustrated in colour, 1987. An excellent catalogue of an exhibition of 19 fabulous clocks. The clocks include an Edward Cockey astronomical clock, a Radeloff rolling ball clock dated 1660 and an astronomical clock by Joseph Finney of Liverpool. Very good copy, soft covers. (Ref: K4381 - E1) in stock. Price: £15.00 |
Smiths: Sectric' Clocks O/P. 8 pages, illustrated, 1962. A publicity brochure for the range of Smiths 'Sectric' clocks designed for domestic rooms. Fine copy, card covers. (Ref: K5181 - BX7) in stock. Price: £4.00 |
 | Synchronome: Printed Summer Time Label O/P. A printed card used by The Synchromome Co. Ltd to remind clock owners to advance their master clock by one hour so as to show Summer Time. The printed card measures 8.2 x 2.8 inches (20.8 x 7.3 cm) and was for use on April 2nd 1944. An interesting piece of ephemera, good condition. (Ref: PH7) in stock. Price: £25.00 |
Watson (H. F.): Grantham Clock and Watch Making O/P. [ 40p ], illus., 1988. A descriptive catalogue of an exhibition of clocks and watches made in Grantham with details about their makers. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K2379 - BX9) in stock. Price: £5.00 |