Vernon (J.): The Grandfather Clock Maintenance Manual O/P. 103 pages, 31 figs., 8 plates, 1983. A useful well written book for those starting out in the hobby. Good copy without dust jacket. (Ref: K391 - E2) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Vogel (C.F.): Praktisher unterricht von Taschenuhren sowol für Verfertiger als auch für Liebhaber derselben O/P. 422 pages + 20 page index, 6 folding plates, facsimile reprint 1978. Originally published in Leipzig in1774, this book contains practical instructions about pocket watches for both makers and enthusiasts; according to Baillie it gives an insight into workshop methods at the time. Very good copy with good dust jacket. [German language] (Ref: K5140 - Y2) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
 | Vost (J.): Channel Islands Clockmakers 1680 - 1830 NEW. 66 pages, 2012. This new book contains the most up to date listing, with biographical information, of Guernsey & Jersey clockmakers and contains a lot of new research. This is a significant improvement on the information in Tribe & Whatmoor's book Dorset Clocks and Clockmakers published in 1981. Card covers. (Ref: N2769) in stock. Price: £14.50 |
Vraa (M.) & Tornvig (B.): Manden I Uret O/P. 31 pages, illus., 1994. The Man in the Clock: Jan Hermansen looks after the clock and its bells in Copenhagen Town Hall. The quarter striking turret clock in the tower, with 4 dials, is driven by an electric motor and controlled by a master clock on the ground floor. A good copy. [Danish language, sold with English typewritten translation] (Ref: K4814 - R2) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Walker (J.E.S.): Hull and East Riding Clocks O/P. 96 pages, illus., 1982. This exhibition catalogue includes a directory of makers for Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire before 1900. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K318 - D2) in stock. Price: £3.00 |
Walker (P.): Woodworking Tools O/P. 32 pages, illustrated, reprinted1988. A useful introduction to collecting woodworking tools. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K5231 - BX9) in stock. Price: £2.00 |
Wallis (R.V.) & Wallis (P.J.): Biobibliograpy of British Mathematics and its Applications Part II 1701 - 1760 O/P. 502 pages, figs., 1986. A useful bibliography as it includes the works of scientific instrument making authors such as George Adams, Henry Gregory, Thomas Wright and Francis Hauksbee as well as clockmakers such as William Dutton and George Graham. Fine copy. (Ref: K4235 - G6) in stock. Price: £15.00 |
Waltham Clock Company: Hall Clocks, Regulators, Bank and Balcony Clocks... O/P. 20 pages, illustrated, no date. A 1980's (?) facsimile reprint of a Waltham Clock Company Catalogue of 1906 for 'Hall Clocks, Regulators, Bank and Balcony Clocks, Willard Banjo Clocks, Office, Depot and School Clocks'. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4987 - BX12) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
[Waltham Watch Co.]: Waltham Watch Papers volumes I & II O/P. 31 + 29 pages, no date (1970's ?). In 1862 the Waltham Watch Company commenced issuing technical papers original published elsewhere. Volume 1 is a reprint of Charles Frodsham's On the Laws of Isochronism of the Balance Spring,
"; volume 2 contains items on Compensation of the Balance, Effect of Magnetism on Time-Pieces, The Chronometer and its Adjustment and Watch Jewelling. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4983 - BX11) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
[Waltham]: Watch and Clock Material 1936 Edition O/P. 88 pages, illus., 1936. A parts catalogue issued by the Waltham Watch Company, a useful book for Waltham enthusiasts and restorers. A good copy showing significant signs of use. Card covers, spiral bound. (Ref: K4422 - H1) in stock. Price: £35.00 |
Ward (F.A.B.): Clocks & Watches 1: Weight-Driven Clocks and 2: Spring -Driven O/P. 2 volumes each illustrating and describing 20 items in the collection of the Science Museum. Published 1973 and 1972. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K3131 - V2) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Ward (F.A.B.): The Clocks of the Victoria and Albert Museum O/P. 13 pages, 20 photographs, 1975. An introduction to some fine clocks at the V&A museum in London. This article is an offprint from Antiquarian Horology. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K1372 - BX3) in stock. Price: £1.00 |
Ward (F.A.B.): The Clocks of the Victoria and Albert Museum O/P. 13 pages, 20 photographs, 1975. An introduction to some fine clocks at the V&A museum in London. This article is an offprint from Antiquarian Horology. A very good copy, now nicely bound in half leather with gilt lettering to the spine, original card covers bound in. (Ref: K4078 - M2) in stock. Price: £15.00 |
Ward (F.A.B.): The Clocks & Watches of the Victoria and Albert Museum O/P. 27 pages, 52 photographs, 1978. An introduction to some fine clocks and watches at the V&A museum in London. Two articles first printed in Antiquarian Horology. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4799 - BX2) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Ward (F.A.B.): Timepkeepers O/P. A small booklet produced by the Science Museum, London in 1963 describing and illustrating (in colour) 20 fine clocks, watches, sundials and sand glasses in their collection. Card covers. (Ref: K2502 - BX5) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Ward (F.A.B.): Time Measurement O/P. 151 pages, 12 plates, 1966. A publication by the Science Museum, London being a descriptive catalogue of the collection illustrating time measurement. The section on electric clocks and watches is of interest as is the section on sundials. A good copy. Card covers. (Ref: K485 - H4) in stock. Price: £2.00 |
Ward (R.A.H.): A Watchmaker's Pocket Book O/P. 5 pages, 1971. A report, in a volume of Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire & Cheshire, on the discovery of the pocket book of Richard Wright, a Lancashire watch movement maker, containing accounts and other entries covering the years 1713 to 1756. Ward, an out-worker, did work for several London makers including Ellicott and Windmills. Wright was probably resident in or near to Great Sankey, a township near Warrington. Very good copy. (Ref: K3520 - N1) in stock. Price: £15.00 |
Warwick (A.): Collecting Clock Memories O/P. 204 pages, illus., 2000. One man's recollection of 40 years enthusiasm for, and guide to, the clock collecting scene in England. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K3010 - L1) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Watchmakers of Switzerland: The Main Types of Chronograph Explained by Their Dials O/P. 36 pages, illustrated, 1952. 15 different types of chronograph are illustrated and described. Good copy, spiral bound, card covers a little marked. (Ref: K645 - M1) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
Waterbury Clock Co.: Illustrated Catalogue of Clocks, Regulators, and Calendars, .. O/P. 132 pages, illus., no date. A late 20th century reprint of a Waterbury Clock Company catalogue first issued in 1867. Good copy, the covers now a little marked. (Ref: K2998 - BX8) in stock. Price: £5.00 |