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Freeman-Grenville (G.S.P.): The Muslim and Christian Calendars
O/P. 87 pages, 1963. An explanation and tables for the conversion of Muslim and Christian dates from the Hirja year 1 (A.D. 622) to the year A.D. 2000 (Hirja year 1421), with details of how to calculate when Muslim or Christian festivals occur in either calendar. A very good copy. (Ref: K4289 - C2)

Price: £5.00

Fried (H.B.): The Electric Watch Repair Manual
O/P. 216 pages, figs., 1st edition, 1965. The book's subtitle - A complete Manual on the Repair of Electric Watches and Battery driven Clocks - describes the book well. Good copy, the card covers a little worn. (Ref: K2888 - C2)

Price: £15.00

Friedberg (F.J.): The Illinois Watch: The Life and Times of a Great Watch Company

Friedberg (F.J.): The Illinois Watch: The Life and Times of a Great Watch Company
NEW. 288 pages, 433 illustrations, 2004. A history of the Illinois Watch Company with descriptions and illustrations of nearly every wristwatch design they created, and their variations. With price guide in US dollars and dust jacket. (Ref: P1891)

Price: £66.50

Fritts (C.E.): The Watch Adjuster's Manual
O/P. 364 pages, 56 figs., 1895. The sub-title tells what to expect: A Practical Guide for the Watch and Chronometer Adjuster in Making, Springing, Timing and Adjusting for Isochronism, Positions and Temperatures. The author used the pseudonym "Excelsior" for many of his articles. A fine copy. (Ref: K2850 - L1)

Price: £25.00

Gaertner Scientific Corporation: Catalog B1 - Chronographs and Accessories
O/P. 32 pages, illus., 1935. An interesting catalogue, with prices, of tape chronographs, drum chronographs, electrically driven tuning forks, clocks, chronometers and watches. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4776 - BX7)

Price: £5.00

[Galerie Charpentier]: Poupées et Automates Depuis la Renaissance
O/P. [24 pages], illustrated, 1952. The catalogue of an exhibition of automata featuring the collection of Madame de Galea, held at the Galerie Charpentier, Paris. Thin card covers. [French language] (Ref: K2342 - BX5)

Price: £35.00

Gammenthaler (A.): L'Achevage de L'Échappement A Ancre Après Dorure
O/P. 20 pages, 1911. A paper on the completion of the lever escapement after gilding, published by the Journal Suisse d'Horlogerie. Very good copy, card covers. [French language] (Ref: K4916 -BX7)

Price: £5.00

García-Diego (J.A.): Juanelo Turriano Charles V's Clockmaker - the Man and his Legend
O/P. 165 pages, illustrated, 1986. A limited edition of 1000 copies. Turriano, who is better known in Italy and Spain than he is elsewhere, was born about 1510 and trained as a clockmaker in Lombardy. He made several astronomical clocks, automata and planetariums but is also famous for his work as an engineer on hydraulic projects. A very good copy of the hardback edition with good dust jacket. (Ref: K1315 - F3)

Price: £25.00

García-Diego (J.A.): Juanelo Turriano Charles V's Clockmaker - the Man and his Legend
O/P. 165 pages, illustrated, 1986. A limited edition of 1000 copies. Turriano, who is better known in Italy and Spain than he is elsewhere, was born about 1510 and trained as a clockmaker in Lombardy. He made several astronomical clocks, automata and planetariums but is also famous for his work as an engineer on hydraulic projects. A very good copy of the card covers edition. (Ref: K1316 - M2)

Price: £15.00

Gardner (M.): Can Time go Backward?
O/P. 9 pages, illus., 1967. It seems an intuitively plausible concept but the idea creates a variety of paradoxes! An offprint from Scientific American. A very good copy, paper covers. (Ref: K3045 - BX13)

Price: £1.00

Gardner (Malcolm): Catalogue 12
O/P. Malcolm Gardner's 1958 horological book catalogue, of 42 pages. This catalogue is a useful reference tool as it includes books which are now very rare. Good copy card covers. (Ref: K4877 - W3)

Price: £3.00

Gardner (Malcolm): Catalogue 16
O/P. Malcolm Gardner's 1971 horological book catalogue, of 138 pages, for the famous book collection of Professor D. S. Torrens of Trinity College, Dublin. This catalogue is a very useful reference tool as it includes over 2000 items, many of which are now very rare. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K2762 - K1)

Price: £9.00

Gardner (Malcolm): Catalogue 17
O/P. Malcolm Gardner's 1973 horological book catalogue, of 32 pages. This catalogue is a useful reference tool as it includes books which are now very rare. Good copy card covers. (Ref: K754 - W3)

Price: £3.00

Gardner (Malcolm): Catalogue 18
O/P. Malcolm Gardner's horological book catalogue 18, not dated but published in 1976. A useful reference to the scarcer items. A good clean copy. Card covers. (Ref: K593 - BX6)

Price: £3.00

Gardner (Malcolm): Catalogue 22
O/P. Malcolm Gardner's 1983 horological book catalogue of over 850 horological books. A useful reference to the scarcer items as Malcolm Gardner (later Charles Allix) was the foremost horological bookseller of his day and his old catalogues are very useful as reference sources for clock and watch enthusiasts. A good copy. Card covers. (Ref: K594)

Price: £3.00

Gardner (Malcolm): Catalogue 23
O/P. Malcolm Gardner's 1985-1986 horological book catalogue of over 800 horological books. A useful reference to the scarcer items as Malcolm Gardner (Charles Allix) was the foremost horological bookseller of his day and his old catalogues are very useful as reference sources for clock and watch enthusiasts. A good copy with a few ink annotations in text. Card covers. (Ref: K4367 - W3)

Price: £3.00

Garfield (S.): Timekeepers - How the World Became Obsessed with Time
O/P. 349 pages, illustrated, 2016. Managing time is one of the greatest challenges we face in our lives, this multi-layered history helps us understand it. A fine copy with very good dust jacket. (Ref: K4531 - Q1)

Price: £5.00

Garnier (R.) & Hollis (L.): Innovation & Collaboration - The Early Development of the Pendulum Clock in London

Garnier (R.) & Hollis (L.): Innovation & Collaboration - The Early Development of the Pendulum Clock in London
NEW. 412 pages, illustrated, deluxe edition limited to 125 copies, signed by authors, 2018. Written to coincide with an exhibition held in London in September 2018, this book explores the innovation surrounding the development of the early pendulum clock in London and the lines of collaboration that made it happen. The book has chapters on 17th Century clockmaking in London, architectural clock cases, the Fromanteel Family and Cornelius Drebbel, a previously unrecognised influence on the Fromanteels; followed by excellent full colour photographs and descriptions of each of the 119 exhibits dating from circa 1500 to circa 1725. The standard edition of the book is sold out. This beautifully produced, deluxe half-leather bound, signed and numbered, edition has a red leather spine and corners with red cloth covered boards, the spine with gilt lettering and gilt lines, all page edges gilt. Effective price, after 10% discount, £423.00

*** Automatic 10% discount at the checkout on this book***

(Ref: N4895)

Price: £470.00

Garrard (F.J.): Clock Repairing and Making
O/P. 168 pages, 120 figs., 10th impression, 1950. This well-known work was first published in 1914 and has been reprinted several times since. A very good copy. (Ref: K122 - C2)

Price: £10.00

Garrard (F.J.): Watch Repairing, Cleaning and Adjusting
O/P. 214 pages, 210 figures, 3rd edition, 1914. A practical book by a watchmaker who served an apprenticeship and worked at the bench all his life. Still in original cloth binding (now a bit loose), spine discoloured, contents good. (Ref: K123 - Z3)

Price: £10.00

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