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[Spon]: Workshop Receipts for Manufacturers Mechanics & Scientific Amateurs
O/P. 450 pages, 66 figs, 1888. A single volume covering all kinds of subjects. Cloth on spine splitting at head and foot, corners bumped, binding a bit loose, but internally it is in clean condition. (Ref: K2128 - Z2)

Price: £10.00

[Spon]: Workshop Receipts for Manufacturers Mechanics & Scientific Amateurs
O/P. Volume 2 only (of 4): Dyes and Dying - Japanning. 544 pages, 259 figs., 1932. A good copy, but the covers are lightly stained. (Ref: K1950 - C2)

Price: £10.00

Sposato (K.A.): The Dictionary of American Clock and Watch Makers
O/P. 190 pages, 1983. A list of American makers with location and dates, together with cross references to other sources of information (including photographs) to the maker and his work. Good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K3239 - W3)

Price: £15.00

St. Louis Clock & Silverware Company: Twelfth Annual Catalogue 1904 (Clocks)
O/P. 86 pages, illustrated, no date. A 1960's reprint of the clock section of the priced catalogue issued by the St. Louis Clock & Silverware Company in 1904 to coincide with the World's Fair which opened in St. Louis on 1st May 1904. The catalogue includes American clocks of all types, some with imported French marble cases, as well as Black Forest cuckoo clocks and porcelain clocks from the Royal German Pottery in Bonn. An interesting historical record for the researcher and enthusiast. Card covers. (Ref: K1628 - BX5)

Price: £9.00

Standard Electric Time Co.: Standard Electric Time Systems - Catalogue 33

Standard Electric Time Co.: Standard Electric Time Systems - Catalogue 33
NEW. 64 pages, illustrated, 1994. This is a reprint of a catalogue issued circa 1914 by The Standard Electric Time Company of Springfield, Massachusetts. The company made electric master and slave clocks systems for public buildings, industry and commerce. Card covers. (Ref: N1805)

Price: £9.00

Standard Electric Time Co.33: Standard Electric Time Systems - Catalogue 33
O/P. 64 pages, illustrated, 1994. This is a reprint of a catalogue issued circa 1914 by The Standard Electric Time Company of Springfield, Massachusetts. The company made electric master and slave clocks systems for public buildings, industry and commerce. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4793 - BX14)

Price: £5.00

Stanier (M.): Oxford Sundials

Stanier (M.): Oxford Sundials
NEW. 40 pages, 24 colour plates, 2nd edition, 2003. Descriptions of many of the sundials in Oxford, with a location map. Many of the dials are located in the Colleges. Card covers. (Ref: N1807)

Price: £10.00

Stanier (M.): Oxford Sundials
O/P. 32 pages, 20 colour plates, 1st edition, no date. Descriptions of many of the sundials in Oxford, mostly located in the Colleges. Very good condition, card covers. (Ref: K2068 - X2)

Price: £5.00

Stanislav (M.): Clocks and Watches

Stanislav (M.): Clocks and Watches
O/P. 267 pages plus index, 80 plates, 64 figs, 1974. A good catalogue of the 389 clocks and watches in the National Technical Museum, Prague. A very good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K1987 - E3)

Price: £50.00

Stará (D.): Guide to Pewter Marks of the World
O/P. 260 pages, illustrated, 1992. A useful guide to pewter marks used by different towns, cities and countries around the world. The book will help identify the town or country of origin of the piece and the period when that mark was used. Other reference books will be needed for makers marks and date code stamps. Very good copy, with very good dust jacket. (Ref: K5143 - R1)

Price: £4.00

Steffen (Werner & Fils): Watch Jewels
O/P. 14 pages, illustrated, circa 1965. A publicity brochure for Werner Steffen & Fils of Arona, Italy who made synthetic ruby jewels for watches and other industrial purposes. Very good copy, card covers, spiral bound. [French language] (Ref: K4841 - N2)

Price: £5.00

Stephens (C.E.): Inventing Standard Time
O/P. 24 pages, illus., 1983. A booklet produced by the Smithsonian Institution explaining the history and reasons for adopting Standard Railway Time in North America on 18 November 1883. Standard Time quickly became the convention for timekeeping in North America and is still in use today. A good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4749 - BX10)

Price: £5.00

Stevens (J.): Benjamin Gray 1676 - 1764 An Esteemed but Little-Known London Clockmaker
O/P. [4 pages], 6 illustrations, no date. A good article on the life and work of Benjamin Gray, clockmaker to George II, who took François Justin Vulliamy as a partner in 1743. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: KW2361 - E1)

Price: £10.00

Stevens (J.C.): The Clockmaker from Claypole: Charles Gretton 1648 - 1731

Stevens (J.C.): The Clockmaker from Claypole: Charles Gretton 1648 - 1731
O/P. 8 pages, 1 plate, [ 1965 ]. A useful offprint detailing the origins and life of Charles Gretton, the famous London clockmaker. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K819 - BX4)

Price: £5.00

Stevens (J.C.) & Aked (C.K.): Horology in Provincial Museums
O/P. 46 pages, 1974. A useful guide - keep a copy at home and another in the car for use on rainy days in Britain! Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K285 - BX1)

Price: £1.00

Stimson (A.N.) & Daniel, (C.StJ.H.): The Cross Staff - Historical Development and Modern Use

Stimson (A.N.) & Daniel (C.StJ.H.): The Cross Staff - Historical Development and Modern Use
NEW. 26 pages, 7 figs, 1977. A useful history of the cross staff, reprinting instructions for its use first written by Andrew Wakeley circa 1650. The modern use of the instrument, using a replica staff, on the 1974 Golden Hinde voyage from Plymouth to San Francisco is also documented. Card covers, staples now rusted. (Ref: N1324)

Price: £5.00

Stoneman (M.): Easy-to-Make Wooden Sundials
O/P. 38 pages, illus., 1982. Instructions and plans for making 5 different sundials with instructions for setting up and converting solar time to mean time. Good copy. Card covers. (Ref: K3217 - BX16)

Price: £5.00

Streeter (Edward W.): Catalogue of Designs, and Prices, of ...
O/P. 124 pages, illustrated, 1992. A facsimile reprint of a catalogue published circa 1885 by Edward W. Streeter, the Victorian retailer of jewellery, watches, clocks, and silverware. 35 pages are about pocket watches, carriage clocks, French table clocks, clock garnitures and marble clocks. A fine copy. (Ref: KW5220 - E5)

Price: £10.00

Strike One Ltd: English Dial Clocks - An Exhibition
O/P. The catalogue of an exhibition held in 1978 by Strike One to coincide with the publication of English Dial Clocks by Ronald Rose. 44 dial clocks are illustrated in the catalogue, most dating from the period 1780 - 1830. A good copy, card covers. (Ref: K2246 - BX16)

Price: £1.00

Stuart (S.E.): Biographical List of Clockmakers, North Lancashire and South Westmorland 1680 - 1900
O/P. 192 pages, 1st edition 1996. A useful reference work, the makers' biographies are more detailed than that found elsewhere. This item is now hard to find. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K3631 - E4)

Price: £50.00

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