Stuart (S.): Clockmaking in the Lancaster Region O/P. 28 pages, 4 plates, circa 1985. This study investigates the export of clocks and clocks cases from Lancaster as well as the movement of clockmakers to and from Lancaster. The influence of Gillows on local case making is also investigated. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K482 - BX10) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Sundial Scrapbook: Sundial Scrapbook O/P. 40 blank pages (of thin card) for use as a scrap book - ideal for storing your sundial photos or for writing your memoirs. The card covers are colour printed with four pictures of sundials. Fine condition. (Ref: K3751 - R2) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Swain (J.T.): Industry Before the Industrial Revolution - North-East Lancashire c1500 - 1640 O/P. 235 pages, 1986. The principle industries before the industrial revolution were coal mining and cloth manufacture. Good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K3298 - V1) in stock. Price: £8.00 |
Swedberg (R.W.) & Swedberg (H.): Encyclopedia of Antique American Clocks O/P. 335 pages, 16 pages of colour & numerous b&w illustrations, 2001. A good introduction to the wide variety of American clocks available. Large format paperback, a very good copy. Card covers. (Ref: K2409 - A3) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
Swinburne (J.): The Mechanism of the Watch O/P. 88 pages, 1st impression, 1950. A book with lots of information and explanations for the enthusiast. Good copy with poor dust jacket. (Ref: K288 - C2) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
Swiss Watch Chamber of Commerce: The Inside Story of the Swiss Watch O/P. A small 32 page, illustrated booklet written to advertise the Swiss watch industry at the 1949 BHI Watch and Clock Exhibition. Card covers. (Ref: K289 - BX1) in stock. Price: £2.00 |
Symonds (R.W.): A Book of English Clocks O/P. 80 pages, 72 plates, 1st edition, 1947. A small book from the King Penguin series, under-rated but interesting and worth having on the bookshelf. The front cover drawing showing a clock with 36 days in the lunar month!! A good copy. (Ref: K2374 - E5) in stock. Price: £8.00 |
Symonds (R.W.): A Book of English Clocks O/P. 80 pages, 64 plates, 2nd edition, 1950. A small boook from the King Penguin series, under-rated but interesting and worth having on the bookshelf. A good copy. (Ref: K290 - E5) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
 | Symonds (R.W.): Masterpieces of English Furniture and Clocks O/P. 172 pages, 8 colour plates, 131 b&w illus., 1st edition, 1940. Limited edition of 1250 copies. An excellent book on English furniture and clocks; the latter occupies pages 95 - 168 and illustrates some fine bracket and longcase clocks and a few barometers. A good copy, clean and bright, with minor shelf wear. (Ref: K685 - F4) in stock. Price: £60.00 |
Symonds (R.W.): Masterpieces of English Furniture and Clocks O/P. 174 pages, 8 colour plates, 131 b&w illus., reprinted 1986. An excellent book on English furniture and clocks; the latter occupies pages 95 - 168 and illustrates some fine bracket and longcase clocks and a few barometers. Good copy, dust jacket crinkled to bottom edge. (Ref: K790 - F7) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
Symonds (R.W.): The Present State of Old English Furniture. O/P. 132 pages, 113 figures, 2nd edition 1927. Symonds was the leading furniture expert of his day and was advisor to several famous collectors including Percival Griffiths and Sir John Prestige, all his books are worth reading. A clean copy, first few pages a little foxed, covers worn. (Ref: K3382 - R3) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Symonds (R.W.): Thomas Tompion His Life and Work O/P. 320 pages, 4 colour plates, 272 b&w plates, 2 folding plates, 1st edition 1951. Every enthusiast needs a copy of this book about England's most famous clock and watch maker. The original edition is so much nicer than the reprint, and the photographs are sharper. A good copy, cloth a bit worn, one bruised corner, edge of page block a little stained, dust jacket worn. (Ref: K2061 - L3) in stock. Price: £65.00 |
 | Synchronome: Printed Summer Time Label O/P. A printed card used by The Synchromome Co. Ltd to remind clock owners to advance their master clock by one hour so as to show Summer Time. The printed card measures 8.2 x 2.8 inches (20.8 x 7.3 cm) and was for use on April 2nd 1944. An interesting piece of ephemera, good condition. (Ref: PH7) in stock. Price: £25.00 |
 | Synchronome: Printed Summer Time Label O/P. A printed card used by The Synchromome Co. Ltd to remind clock owners to advance their master clock by one hour so as to show Summer Time. The printed card measures 8.2 x 2.8 inches (20.8 x 7.3 cm) and was for use on April 2nd 1945. An interesting piece of ephemera, now stained, with some loss to edges and a small tear. (Ref: PH8) in stock. Price: £15.00 |
 | Synchronome Syndicate Ltd: Some Applications of the "Synchronome" System of Electric Time Service with Opinions Thereon O/P. 19 pages, illustrated, circa 1900. A marketing brochure for the Synchronome System, with examples of its use in banks, office, schools, hotels and private houses. A very good copy of a very rare booklet, the only one I have ever seen. (Ref: K4890 - BX7) in stock. Price: £65.00 |
Syndram (D.): Wissenschaftliche Instruments und Sonnenuhren O/P. 268 pages, 38 figs., 141 items illustrated, 1989. A catalogue of 141 scientific instruments and sundials in the Huelsmann Museum owned by the City of Bielefeld, Germany. A good copy. [German language] (Ref: K4659 - F2) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
[Tagheuer]: The Catalog 1999 O/P. 79 pages, illustrated, 1999. An illustrated catalogue of the Tagheuer collection of wristwatches in production in 1999. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4405 - G4) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Tait (H.): Clocks and Watches O/P. 72 pages, 74 illus., 1983. Information and photographs for some of the superb clocks in the British Museum. Good copy. Soft covers. (Ref: K388 - M1) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Tait (H.): Clocks in the British Museum O/P. 55 pages + 58 plates, 1968. An interesting book. The hard back edition, a good copy with poor dust jacket. (Ref: K1781 - E2) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Tait (H.) & Coole (P.G.): Catalogue of Watches in the British Museum - The Stackfreed O/P. 88 pages plus 47 pages of plates, 20 diagrams, 1st edition 1987. A detailed catalogue of early watches in the British Museum all with the stackfreed, a device for controlling the spring force prior to the adoption of the fusee. A fine copy with very good dust jacket. (Ref: K1254 - H5) in stock. Price: £40.00 |