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Thompson (D.): The British Museum Clocks

Thompson (D.): The British Museum Clocks
NEW. 176 pages, 66 clocks illustrated in colour, reprinted 2017. This book describes and illustrates the rarest and most interesting clocks in the outstanding collection at the British Museum. Each item has several illustrations of the case and the clock movement. Tompion's year-going table clock, John Naylor's astronomical clock, Mudge's first marine timekeeper, Henry Jenkins' astronomical clock and an organ clock by George Lindsay are all included here. With dust jacket (note: this reprint has a different dust jacket to the original but the book contents are the same). (Ref: N706)

Price: £19.99

Thompson (D.): The British Museum Clocks
O/P. 176 pages, 66 clocks illustrated in colour, 2004. This book describes and illustrates the rarest and most interesting clocks in the outstanding collection at the British Museum. Each item has several illustrations of the case and the clock movement. Tompion's year-going table clock, John Naylor's astronomical clock, Mudge's first marine timekeeper, Henry Jenkins' astronomical clock and an organ clock by George Lindsay are all included here. A fine copy with fine dust jacket. (Ref: K2301 - H6)

Price: £12.00

Thompson (D.): The British Museum Watches

Thompson (D.): The British Museum Watches
NEW. 175 pages, 270 illustrations, paperback edition, reprinted 2018. A book telling the story of the watch, describing and illustrating 77 watches selected from the magnificent collection of watches held by The British Museum. The earliest example was made circa 1560, the latest in 2007. Each watch is illustrated in colour with excellent photographs of dial, movement and case. Card covers. The book is now out of print, these copies are old stock with minor shelf wear to covers. (Ref: N3681)

Price: £19.50

Thompson (D.): Watches in the Ashmolean Museum
S/H. 92 pages, illustrated in colour, 2007. The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford has one of the most important collections of watches outside of the national collections in London. This book illustrates and fully describes 31 pocket watches which show the history and development of watch design and decoration, with examples of the art of the goldsmith, engraver, chaser, enameller and lapidary from the mid-16th to the mid-19th century. A fine copy. (Ref: K2124 - J1)

Price: £8.00

Thomson (M.M.): The Beginning of the Long Dash - A History of Timekeeping in Canada
O/P. 190 pages, 59 illus., 1978. A good history of Canadian timekeeping from the installation of a sundial in Quebec in 1608 to the use of atomic clocks. Good copy with fair dust jacket. (Ref: K2987 - M2)

Price: £15.00

Thomson (R.): Antique American Clocks and Watches
O/P. 192 pages, 67 illustrations, 1968. A good introduction to the subject. With dust jacket. (Ref: K2510 - F3)

Price: £5.00

Timex: Time Through The Ages
O/P. 32 pages, illustrated, no date. A brief history of the development of timekeeping produced by Timex to promote sales of their wristwatches, probably in the 1960's. Card covers. (Ref: K1485 - BX1)

Price: £5.00

Tooth (T.): It Was All A Matter of Time
O/P. 156 pages, illus., 1993. The story of the beginning of navigational science, its impact on early Australian history, and how the new science was used by Matthew Flinders to construct his charts of Australia. The history of chronometer Earnshaw 520, used by Flinders, is also included. A good copy. Card covers. (Ref: K3019 - M1)

Price: £15.00

Touchet (P.): A Practical Manual of Electric and Electronic Horology
O/P. 43 pages, figs., first English language edition, 1963. The author was head of Research and Production at JAZ S.A. so the book is a useful practical manual on Jaz and Japy battery driven movements. A good copy, card covers a little worn and faded. (Ref: K2901 - BX8)

Price: £20.00

Townsend (G.E.): Almost Everything You Wanted to Know About American Watches and Didn't Know Who to Ask
O/P. 86 pages, illustrated, 1971. A very useful guide to the collecting and identification of American watch movements made before 1900. The book has line drawings of many movements and information about most of the American companies with model numbers, serial numbers, etc. A very good copy (owners name and stamp on ffep), card covers. (Ref: K1365 - BX1)

Price: £20.00

Towson Watch Company: Mechanical Treasures
O/P. A publicity brochure, circa 2008, for the wristwatches manufactures in America by the Towson Watch Company using Swiss parts. With price list in US dollars. Fine copy, card covers. (Ref: K5113 - J1)

Price: £1.00

Treffry (T.) & Treffry (A.) (editors): BHI 150
S/H. 248 pages, well illustrated, 2010. This excellent book is a record of the 3-day seminar held to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the British Horological Institute in 2008. The first day's papers were about the work of John 'longitude' Harrison, the second about modern watchmaking and the third about perfecting the pendulum. Fine copy, soft covers. (Ref: K5163 - H7)

Price: £35.00

Tremayne (A.): Everybody's Clocks
O/P. 64 pages, illus., published circa 1941. A small booklet with the subtitle: how your clock is made, how it works and how to take care of it. A good copy, now nicely bound in brown Rexine with gilt lettering to front and spine, original card covers bound in. (Ref: K1221 - L1)

Price: £5.00

Tremayne (A.): Everybody's Clocks
O/P. 64 pages, illus., published circa 1941. A small booklet with the subtitle: how your clock is made, how it works and how to take care of it. Very good copy with paper covers. (Ref: K405 - BX2)

Price: £1.00

Tremayne (A.): Everybody's Watches
O/P. 63 pages, figs, no date but early 1940's. The sub-title tells us all - How Your Watch is Made, How it Works and How to Take Care of it. Paper covers. (Ref: K2583 - BX4)

Price: £1.00

Tremayne (A.): You and Your Watch
O/P. 16 pages, illustrated, no date. A small booklet, dating from the 1950's, designed for wristwatch retailers to give away to their clients, the text explains how the watch works and promotes servicing by a professional watchmaker. This booklet was given out by W.S. & A.M. Scott of 167 High Street, Lincoln. A very good copy, paper covers. (Ref: K4467 - BX15)

Price: £5.00

Tremayne (A.) editor: The Watch & Clock Maker - November 1932
O/P. 36 pages, illustrated, 1932. A single issue of this monthly magazine similar in style to the Horological Journal. This issue has two articles of interest - London's New Horological School at the Northampton Polytechnic and The "Crusader" Watch. The latter was a pocket watch built so that when repair was needed the old movement was simply exchanged for a replacement in a matter of minutes. A good copy, paper covers now loose. (Ref: K4449 - BX12)

Price: £4.00

Turner (A.): John Carte on Horology and Cosmology

Turner (A.): John Carte on Horology and Cosmology
NEW. 93 pages, 21 illustrations, 2014. A transcription, with introduction and notes, of a manuscript written by Carte and now in the Bodleian Library. The book includes a biography of Carte and also of Samuel Watson to whom he was apprenticed with a list of all their known works (many of them illustrated). Card covers. (Ref: N3667)

Price: £25.00

Turner (A.J.): New Light on George Margetts
O/P. 16 pages, 8 figs., 1971. A biography of clock, watch and chronometer maker George Margetts, a serious attempt to distinguish between fact and supposition. Reprinted from Antiquarian Horology. Very good copy, card covers.

* Was £15.00, now on special offer at £10.00 *

(Ref: K4758 - BX10)

Price: £10.00

Turner (A.J.):  The Time Museum:  Time Measuring Instruments:  Astrolabes, Astrolabe Related Instruments

Turner (A.J.): The Time Museum: Time Measuring Instruments: Astrolabes, Astrolabe Related Instruments
O/P. 268 pages, 189 illus., 1985. This excellent work commences with the origins, development, description and use of astrolabes then describes and illustrates 34 examples in the collection. A fine copy.

*** Automatic 10% discount at the checkout on this book ***

(Ref: K572 - H2)

Price: £110.00

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